Genealogy, the study of family history and lineage, has seen tremendous growth over the past decade, fueled by technological advances such as home DNA testing and mass digitization of historical records. However, HCI research on genealogy practices is nascent, with the most recent major studies predating this transformation. In this paper, we present a qualitative study of the current state of technological support for genealogy research, collaboration, and education. Through semi-structured interviews with 20 genealogists with diverse expertise, we report on current practices, challenges, and success stories around how genealogists conduct research, collaborate, and learn skills. We contrast the experiences of amateurs and experts, describe the emerging importance of standardization and professionalization of the field, and stress the critical role of computer systems in genealogy education. We bridge studies of sensemaking and information literacy through this empirical study on genealogy research practices, and conclude by discussing how genealogy presents a unique perspective through which to study collective sensemaking and education in online communities.