Quantifying uncertainty in a model's predictions is important as it enables, for example, the safety of an AI system to be increased by acting on the model's output in an informed manner. We cannot expect a system to be 100% accurate or perfect at its task, however, we can equip the system with some tools to inform us if it is not certain about a prediction. This way, a second check can be performed, or the task can be passed to a human specialist. This is crucial for applications where the cost of an error is high, such as in autonomous vehicle control, medical image analysis, financial estimations or legal fields. Deep Neural Networks are powerful black box predictors that have recently achieved impressive performance on a wide spectrum of tasks. Quantifying predictive uncertainty in DNNs is a challenging and yet on-going problem. Although there have been many efforts to equip NNs with tools to estimate uncertainty, such as Monte Carlo Dropout, most of the previous methods only focus on one of the three types of model, data or distributional uncertainty. In this paper we propose a complete framework to capture and quantify all of these three types of uncertainties in DNNs for image classification. This framework includes an ensemble of CNNs for model uncertainty, a supervised reconstruction auto-encoder to capture distributional uncertainty and using the output of activation functions in the last layer of the network, to capture data uncertainty. Finally we demonstrate the efficiency of our method on popular image datasets for classification.
翻译:对模型预测的不确定性进行量化很重要,因为它能够使AI系统的安全性通过以知情的方式对模型输出采取行动而提高。 我们不能期望一个系统在任务上达到100%的准确性或完美性, 但是, 我们可以为系统配备一些工具, 以告知我们是否不确定预测。 这样, 可以进行第二次检查, 或者将任务传递给人类专家。 这对错误成本高的应用程序至关重要, 如自主车辆控制、医疗图像分析、财务估计或法律领域的错误。 深神经网络是强大的黑盒预测器, 最近在广泛的任务中取得了令人印象深刻的业绩。 量化 DNNPs 的预测性不确定性是一个挑战性和持续的问题。 尽管已经做出了许多努力为NNP提供工具, 以估计不确定性, 如 Monte Carlo Dout, 之前的方法大多只侧重于三种类型模型、 数据或分布不确定性。 在本文中,我们提议一个完整的框架,用于在一系列任务上采集和量化所有这三种类型IMIS数据的不确定性。