We investigate the possibility of cross-lingual transfer from a state-of-the-art (SoTA) deep monolingual model (DialoGPT) to 6 African languages and compare with 2 baselines (BlenderBot 90M, another SoTA, and a simple Seq2Seq). The languages are Swahili, Wolof, Hausa, Nigerian Pidgin English, Kinyarwanda & Yor\`ub\'a. Generation of dialogues is known to be a challenging task for many reasons. It becomes more challenging for African languages which are low-resource in terms of data. Therefore, we translate a small portion of the English multi-domain MultiWOZ dataset for each target language. Besides intrinsic evaluation (i.e. perplexity), we conduct human evaluation of single-turn conversations by using majority votes and measure inter-annotator agreement (IAA). The results show that the hypothesis that deep monolingual models learn some abstractions that generalise across languages holds. We observe human-like conversations in 5 out of the 6 languages. It, however, applies to different degrees in different languages, which is expected. The language with the most transferable properties is the Nigerian Pidgin English, with a human-likeness score of 78.1%, of which 34.4% are unanimous. The main contributions of this paper include the representation (through the provision of high-quality dialogue data) of under-represented African languages and demonstrating the cross-lingual transferability hypothesis for dialogue systems. We also provide the datasets and host the model checkpoints/demos on the HuggingFace hub for public access.
翻译:我们调查从最先进的单一语言模式(DialoGPT)到6种非洲语言(DialoGPT)的跨语言传输的可能性,并与2个基线(BlenderBot 90M,另一个SoTA,和一个简单的Seq2Seq2Seq)进行比较。语言是斯瓦希里语、Wolof语、Wolf语、Hausa语、尼日利亚Pidgin英语、Kinyarwanda & Yor ⁇ ub\'a。由于许多原因,创建对话被认为是一项具有挑战性的任务。对于在数据方面资源贫乏的非洲语言来说,对话变得更具挑战性。因此,我们翻译了一小部分英语多语言多语言多WOZ数据集,对每种目标语言都进行了比较。除了内在评估(即令人困惑)之外,我们还使用多数选票和测量跨语言协议(IAAA)对单点对话进行人文评估。结果显示,深度的单语模式学习了一些通俗的抽象内容。我们观察了5种语言的像人文对话。但是,它适用于不同语言的不同程度,也显示不同语言的跨语言的跨语言的跨语言模式,这与主言中的数据表示中,这比比比比的透明性是高的纸的公分。