Proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control underlies more than $97\%$ of automated industrial processes. Controlling these processes effectively with respect to some specified set of performance goals requires finding an optimal set of PID parameters to moderate the PID loop. Tuning these parameters is a long and exhaustive process. A method (patent pending) based on deep reinforcement learning is presented that learns a relationship between generic system properties (e.g. resonance frequency), a multi-objective performance goal and optimal PID parameter values. Performance is demonstrated in the context of a real optical switching product of the foremost manufacturer of such devices globally. Switching is handled by piezoelectric actuators where switching time and optical loss are derived from the speed and stability of actuator-control processes respectively. The method achieves a $5\times$ improvement in the number of actuators that fall within the most challenging target switching speed, $\geq 20\%$ improvement in mean switching speed at the same optical loss and $\geq 75\%$ reduction in performance inconsistency when temperature varies between 5 and 73 degrees celcius. Furthermore, once trained (which takes $\mathcal{O}(hours)$), the model generates actuator-unique PID parameters in a one-shot inference process that takes $\mathcal{O}(ms)$ in comparison to up to $\mathcal{O}(week)$ required for conventional tuning methods, therefore accomplishing these performance improvements whilst achieving up to a $10^6\times$ speed-up. After training, the method can be applied entirely offline, incurring effectively zero optimisation-overhead in production.
翻译:超过97美元的自动工业流程 。 要有效控制这些流程, 需要找到一套最佳的 PID 参数来调节 PID 环。 调试这些参数是一个漫长而详尽的过程。 基于深层强化学习而推出的一种方法( 空闲), 以学习通用系统属性( 如共振频率)、 多目标性能目标和最佳PID参数值之间的关系。 在全球这类设备最主要制造商的真正光学转换产品的背景下, 显示这些流程的性能改进。 调试由派佐电动驱动器处理, 调试时间和光学损失分别来自动作控制进程的速度和稳定性。 该方法在最具有挑战性的目标切换速度( 如共振频率)、 多目标性能目标和最佳PID参数值( 多目标值) 。 当温度在5至73°Celcius之间发生差异时, 降幅的性能改善值为75美元 。 此外, 一旦经过培训, 这些操作方法在模型下, 将实现 10美元 水平 的运行过程。