In 1982, Papadimitriou and Yannakakis introduced the Exact Matching (EM) problem where given an edge colored graph, with colors red and blue, and an integer $k$, the goal is to decide whether or not the graph contains a perfect matching with exactly $k$ red edges. Although they conjectured it to be $\textbf{NP}$-complete, soon after it was shown to be solvable in randomized polynomial time in the seminal work of Mulmuley et al., placing it in the complexity class $\textbf{RP}$. Since then, all attempts at finding a deterministic algorithm for EM have failed, thus leaving it as one of the few natural combinatorial problems in $\textbf{RP}$ but not known to be contained in $\textbf{P}$, and making it an interesting instance for testing the hypothesis $\textbf{RP}=\textbf{P}$. Progress has been lacking even on very restrictive classes of graphs despite the problem being quite well known as evidenced by the number of works citing it. In this paper we aim to gain more insight into EM by studying a new optimization problem we call Top-k Perfect Matching (TkPM) which we show to be polynomially equivalent to EM. By virtue of being an optimization problem, it is more natural to approximate TkPM so we provide approximation algorithms for it. Some of the approximation algorithms rely on a relaxation of EM on bipartite graphs where the output is required to be a perfect matching with a number of red edges differing from $k$ by at most $k/2$, which is of independent interest and generalizes to the Exact Weight Perfect Matching (EWPM) problem. We also consider parameterized algorithms and show that TkPM can be solved in FPT time parameterized by $k$ and the independence number of the graph. This result again relies on new tools developed for EM which are also of independent interest.
翻译:1982年, Papadimitriou 和 Yannakakis 引入了“ Exact Match (EM) ” 问题, 给出了一个带有红色和蓝色颜色的边色图表, 以及一个整数美元, 目标是要决定该图表是否包含与美元红色边緣完全匹配的完美匹配。 虽然他们推测它为$\ textbf{NP} $- 完整, 在Mulmuley 等量工作随机化的多米亚时显示它可以解脱后不久, 将它置于复杂等级 $\ textb{RPD} 。 从那时以来, 所有试图为EM找到确定性算法的算法都失败了, 因此, 将它保留在$\ textbf{RP} 中作为少数自然组合问题之一, 并且让一个测试假设 $tromobbbbf{RPlick 等值 工具的参数 。 进展甚至在一些非常限制性的图表类中也缺乏进展, 尽管问题已经相当清楚地在 。 IM IM 最接近的精确的精确的算值 显示我们正在展示它。