A perfect matching cut is a perfect matching that is also a cutset, or equivalently a perfect matching containing an even number of edges on every cycle. The corresponding algorithmic problem, Perfect Matching Cut, is known to be NP-complete in subcubic bipartite graphs [Le & Telle, TCS '22] but its complexity was open in planar graphs and in cubic graphs. We settle both questions at once by showing that Perfect Matching Cut is NP-complete in 3-connected cubic bipartite planar graphs or Barnette graphs. Prior to our work, among problems whose input is solely an undirected graph, only Distance-2 4-Coloring was known NP-complete in Barnette graphs. Notably, Hamiltonian Cycle would only join this private club if Barnette's conjecture were refuted.
翻译:完美匹配的剪切是一个完美匹配的切片, 它也是切片, 或者相等的完美匹配, 包含每个循环中偶数的边缘 。 相应的算法问题, 完美的匹配剪切, 已知在半立方形双部分图中是 NP 完整的 [ Le & Telle, TCS'22], 但其复杂性在平面图和立方形图中是开放的。 我们同时通过显示完美匹配剪切线在三连立双向平面平面图或Barnett 图形中是 NP- 完整的来解决这两个问题。 在我们工作之前, 在其输入完全为非定向图的问题中, 只有距离 - 2 4 - 彩色在巴内特图中是已知的 NP - 完整的。 值得注意的是, 汉密尔顿周期只有在巴内特 的插图被驳斥时才加入这个私人俱乐部 。