Von Neumann and Wigner theorized the bounding and anti-crossing of eigenstates. Experiments have demonstrated that owing to anti-crossing and similar radiation rates, the graphene-like resonance of inhomogeneously strained photonic eigenstates can generate a pseudomagnetic field, bandgaps and Landau levels, whereas exponential or dissimilar rates induce non-Hermicity. Here, we experimentally demonstrate higher-order supersymmetry and quantum phase transitions by resonance between similar one-dimensional lattices. The lattices consisted of inhomogeneous strain-like phases of triangular solitons. The resonance created two-dimensional, inhomogeneously deformed photonic graphene. All parent eigenstates were annihilated. Eigenstates of mildly strained solitons were annihilated at similar rates through one tail and generated Hermitian bounded eigenstates. The strongly strained solitons with positive phase defects were annihilated at exponential rates through one tail, which bounded eigenstates through non-Hermitianally generated exceptional points. However, strongly strained solitons with negative defects were effectively amplified. Supersymmetry was evident, with preservation of the shapes and relative phase differences of the parent solitons. Localizations of energies generated from annihilations of mildly and strongly strained soliton eigenstates were responsible for geometrical (Berry) and topological phase transitions, respectively. Both contributed to generating a quantum Zeno phase, whereas only strong twists generated topological (Anderson) localization. Anti-bunching-like condensation was also observed.
翻译:Von Neumann 和 Wigner 理论将乙核星的交界和反交交界。 实验表明,由于反交叉辐射率和类似的辐射率,不相容光化光化的乙核体的石墨相似共振能产生一个假磁场、带宽和Landau等级,而指数或不同比率则导致非高度。 在这里, 我们实验显示, 通过类似一维的拉子之间的共振, 更高层次的超正对称和量量级的转变。 由不相容的三相色相色相色相相色相相相相相相等的螺旋构成。 共振异的三色相色相色相色相相相相色相相相相相相相相相等的螺旋, 形成一个超强的内向级变形变形变形变形, 并形成一个超强的内位的内位性变形变形变形变形变形变形变形变形, 并形成一个极的内层变形变形变形变形变形变形变形变形变形变形, 。 极的内变形变形变形变形变形变形变形变形变形变形变形变形变形变形变形变形变形变形变形变形变形变形变形变形变形变形变形变变形,, 变形变形变形变形变形变变形变形变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变形变形变形变形变形变形变形变形变形变形变形变形变变变变变变形变形变形变形变形变形变形变形变变形变形变形变形变形变变变变变形变形变形,,, 变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变变