Deterministically solving charged particle transport problems at a sufficient spatial and angular resolution is often prohibitively expensive, especially due to their highly forward peaked scattering. We propose a model order reduction approach which evolves the solution on a low-rank manifold in time, making computations feasible at much higher resolutions and reducing the overall run-time and memory footprint. For this, we use a hybrid dynamical low-rank approach based on a collided-uncollided split, i.e., the transport equation is split through a collision source method. Uncollided particles are described using a ray tracer, facilitating the inclusion of boundary conditions and straggling, whereas collided particles are represented using a moment method combined with the dynamical low-rank approximation. Here the energy is treated as a pseudo-time and a rank adaptive integrator is chosen to dynamically adapt the rank in energy. We can reproduce the results of a full-rank reference code at a much lower rank and thus computational cost and memory usage. The solution further achieves comparable accuracy with respect to TOPAS MC as previous deterministic approaches.