The increasing sophistication of modern cyber threats, particularly file-less malware relying on living-off-the-land techniques, poses significant challenges to traditional detection mechanisms. Memory forensics has emerged as a crucial method for uncovering such threats by analysing dynamic changes in memory. This research introduces SPECTRE (Snapshot Processing, Emulation, Comparison, and Threat Reporting Engine), a modular Cyber Incident Response System designed to enhance threat detection, investigation, and visualization. By adopting Volatility JSON format as an intermediate output, SPECTRE ensures compatibility with widely used DFIR tools, minimizing manual data transformations and enabling seamless integration into established workflows. Its emulation capabilities safely replicate realistic attack scenarios, such as credential dumping and malicious process injections, for controlled experimentation and validation. The anomaly detection module addresses critical attack vectors, including RunDLL32 abuse and malicious IP detection, while the IP forensics module enhances threat intelligence by integrating tools like Virus Total and geolocation APIs. SPECTRE advanced visualization techniques transform raw memory data into actionable insights, aiding Red, Blue and Purple teams in refining strategies and responding effectively to threats. Bridging gaps between memory and network forensics, SPECTRE offers a scalable, robust platform for advancing threat detection, team training, and forensic research in combating sophisticated cyber threats.