It is known for linear operators with polynomial coefficients annihilating a given D-finite function that there is a trade-off between order and degree. Raising the order may give room for lowering the degree. The relationship between order and degree is typically described by a hyperbola known as the order-degree curve. In this paper, we add the height into the picture, i.e., a measure for the size of the coefficients in the polynomial coefficients. For certain situations, we derive relationships between order, degree, and height that can be viewed as order-degree-height surfaces.
翻译:线性操作员的已知特征是,具有多数值系数的线性操作员在消化给定的D-无限函数时,在顺序和程度之间有一个权衡。 提高顺序可能会为降低等级留出空间。 顺序和程度之间的关系通常被称为顺序曲线的双曲线描述。 在本文中,我们将高度加进图片中, 即测量多数值系数中系数的大小。 在某些情况下, 我们得出顺序、 程度和高度之间的关系, 可以被视为顺序- 度高度表面 。