Our aim is to build autonomous agents that can solve tasks in environments like Minecraft. To do so, we used an imitation learning-based approach. We formulate our control problem as a search problem over a dataset of experts' demonstrations, where the agent copies actions from a similar demonstration trajectory of image-action pairs. We perform a proximity search over the BASALT MineRL-dataset in the latent representation of a Video PreTraining model. The agent copies the actions from the expert trajectory as long as the distance between the state representations of the agent and the selected expert trajectory from the dataset do not diverge. Then the proximity search is repeated. Our approach can effectively recover meaningful demonstration trajectories and show human-like behavior of an agent in the Minecraft environment.
翻译:我们的目标是建立能够解决Minecraft等环境任务的自主智能体。为此,我们采用了一种基于模仿学习的方法。我们将控制问题简化为在专家演示数据集上进行搜索问题,其中代理复制与选定专家轨迹相似的图像-动作对的行动。我们在Video PreTraining模型的潜隐表示中对BASALT MineRL数据集进行近似搜索。只要代理的状态表示和所选的专家轨迹的距离不会偏离,代理就会复制专家轨迹上的行动。然后重复进行近似搜索。我们的方法可以有效地恢复有意义的演示轨迹,并在Minecraft环境中展示出类人的行为。