Intuitively, the noise distribution should be close to the data distribution, because otherwise, the classification problem might be too easy and would not require the system to learn much about the structure of the data. As a consequence, one could choose a noise distribution by first estimating a preliminary model of the data, and then use this preliminary model as the noise distribution.
Furthermore, even when nonlinear projection is used, the layer before the projection head, h, is still much better than the layer after, z = g(h), which shows that the hidden layer before the projection head is a better representation than the layer after
实验证明「组合不同的data augumentation」的重要性
实验证明对比学习需要比有监督学习需要更强的data agumentation
SimCLRV2-Big Self-Supervised Models are Strong Semi-Supervised Learners
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GitHub - asheeshcric/awesome-contrastive-self-supervised-learning: A comprehensive list of awesome contrastive self-supervised learning papers. (
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