The crossing number of a graph is the least number of crossings over all drawings of the graph in the plane. Computing the crossing number of a given graph is NP-hard, but fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) with respect to the natural parameter. Two well-known variants of the problem are 2-layer crossing minimization and circular crossing minimization, where every vertex must lie on one of two layers, namely two parallel lines, or a circle, respectively. Both variants are NP-hard, but FPT with respect to the natural parameter. Recently, a local version of the crossing number has also received considerable attention. A graph is $k$-planar if it admits a drawing with at most $k$ crossings per edge. In contrast to the crossing number, recognizing $k$-planar graphs is NP-hard even if $k=1$. In this paper, we consider the two above variants in the local setting. The $k$-planar graphs that admit a straight-line drawing with vertices on two layers or on a circle are called 2-layer $k$-planar and outer $k$-planar graphs, respectively. We study the parameterized complexity of the two recognition problems with respect to $k$. For $k=0$, both problems can easily be solved in linear time. Two groups independently showed that outer 1-planar graphs can also be recognized in linear time [Algorithmica 2015/2016]. One group asked whether outer 2-planar graphs can be recognized in polynomial time. Our main contribution consists of XP-algorithms for recognizing 2-layer $k$-planar graphs and outer $k$-planar graphs. We complement these results by showing that both recognition problems are XNLP-hard. This implies that both problems are W$[t]$-hard for every $t$ and that it is unlikely that they admit FPT-algorithms. On the other hand, we present an FPT-algorithm for recognizing 2-layer $k$-planar graphs where the order of the vertices on one layer is specified.