A well-established approach for inferring full displacement and stress fields from possibly sparse data is to calibrate the parameter of a given constitutive model using a Bayesian update. After calibration, a (stochastic) forward simulation is conducted with the identified model parameters to resolve physical fields in regions that were not accessible to the measurement device. A shortcoming of model calibration is that the model is deemed to best represent reality, which is only sometimes the case, especially in the context of the aging of structures and materials. While this issue is often addressed with repeated model calibration, a different approach is followed in the recently proposed statistical Finite Element Method (statFEM). Instead of using Bayes' theorem to update model parameters, the displacement is chosen as the stochastic prior and updated to fit the measurement data more closely. For this purpose, the statFEM framework introduces a so-called model-reality mismatch, parametrized by only three hyperparameters. This makes the inference of full-field data computationally efficient in an online stage: If the stochastic prior can be computed offline, solving the underlying partial differential equation (PDE) online is unnecessary. Compared to solving a PDE, identifying only three hyperparameters and conditioning the state on the sensor data requires much fewer computational resources. This paper presents two contributions to the existing statFEM approach: First, we use a non-intrusive polynomial chaos method to compute the prior, enabling the use of complex mechanical models in deterministic formulations. Second, we examine the influence of prior material models (linear elastic and St.Venant Kirchhoff material with uncertain Young's modulus) on the updated solution. We present statFEM results for 1D and 2D examples, while an extension to 3D is straightforward.
翻译:模型校准的缺陷是模型被认为最能代表现实, 特别是在结构和材料老化的情况下。 这个问题经常通过反复的模型校准来解决, 最近提议的统计性软化法( StatFEM ) 采用了不同的方法。 校准后, 将( 随机) 前方模拟与确定的模式参数一起进行, 以解决测量设备无法进入的区域的物理场。 模型校准的缺点是, 模型被认为最能代表现实, 只有当有时, 特别是在结构和材料老化的情况下, 才会如此。 虽然这个问题经常通过反复的模型校准来解决, 但最近提出的统计性软体元化方法( StatFEM ) 遵循了不同的方法。 最近提议的统计性硬化精精度方法( StativeFEM ) 。 使用Bayes的元性模型来更新模型参数参数, 而不是使用Bayes' 的前方模型来进行前方模拟, 而是更贴近的测量数据。 STFEM 框架引入了所谓的模型 3 。 在在线阶段, 我们只能计算前的直径直径解法, 和直径直径解的模型, 之前的模型需要更精确的计算。