In a previous paper, we have shown that clause sets belonging to the Horn Bernays-Sch\"onfinkel fragment over simple linear real arithmetic (HBS(SLR)) can be translated into HBS clause sets over a finite set of first-order constants. The translation preserves validity and satisfiability and it is still applicable if we extend our input with positive universally or existentially quantified verification conditions (conjectures). We call this translation a Datalog hammer. The combination of its implementation in SPASS-SPL with the Datalog reasoner VLog establishes an effective way of deciding verification conditions in the Horn fragment. We verify supervisor code for two examples: a lane change assistant in a car and an electronic control unit of a supercharged combustion engine. In this paper, we improve our Datalog hammer in several ways: we generalize it to mixed real-integer arithmetic and finite first-order sorts; we extend the class of acceptable inequalities beyond variable bounds and positively grounded inequalities; and we significantly reduce the size of the hammer output by a soft typing discipline. We call the result the sorted Datalog hammer. It not only allows us to handle more complex supervisor code and to model already considered supervisor code more concisely, but it also improves our performance on real world benchmark examples. Finally, we replace the before file-based interface between SPASS-SPL and VLog by a close coupling resulting in a single executable binary.
翻译:在前一份文件中,我们已表明,属于Horn Bernays-Sch\'onfinkel 的单线真实算术(HBS(SLR))的词组可以转换成HBS条款,由一组有限的一阶常数组成。翻译保留了有效性和可讽刺性,如果我们以普遍或存在量化的正面核查条件(预测)扩展我们的投入,它仍然适用。我们称它为Datalog 锤子。SPASS-SPL 和 Datalog 解释性VLog 执行该词组的集成为一体,这为确定合角碎片核查条件提供了有效的方法。我们核查了两个例子的主管代码:汽车换车助手和电子控制器,由一台加压燃烧引擎组成的电子控制器组。在本文中,我们用几种方式改进了我们的Datalog 锤子:我们将其概括化为混和限量第一阶梯等;我们将其可接受的不平等类别扩大到了基于可变框和正基的不平等;我们通过软打字纪律大大缩小了锤输出的大小。我们称其结果为排序式的Datalog 。我们称之为关闭的锤锤锤锤锤锤锤的锤的锤子的锤子。我们称之为关闭的锤子的锤子的锤子的锤子的锤子的锤子。我们称之为的锤子的锤子的锤子的模。我们在汽车的模架子的模头的模组装的模头的模的模。我们最后也使我们得以处理更精制的模,我们得以处理更精确的模。我们得以在了比一个复杂的操作的模,我们处理更精确的模, 。最后的模,我们处理复杂的操作的模。我们更精确的模的模,我们更精确的模。