This paper proposes a new sampling-based kinodynamic motion planning algorithm, called FMT*PFF, for nonlinear systems. It exploits the novel idea of dimensionality reduction using partial-final-state-free (PFF) optimal controllers.With the proposed dimensionality reduction heuristic, the search space is restricted within a subspace, thus faster convergence is achieved compared to a regular kinodynamic FMT*. The dimensionality reduction heuristic can be viewed as a sampling strategy and asymptotic optimality is preserved when combined with uniform full-state sampling. Another feature of FMT*PFF is the ability to deal with a steering function with inexact steering, which is vital when using learning-based steering functions. Learning-based methods allow us to solve the steering problem for nonlinear systems efficiently. However, learning-based methods often fail to reach the exact goal state. For nonlinear systems, we train a neural network controller using supervised learning to generate the steering commands. We show that FMT*PFF with a learning-based steering function is efficient and generates dynamically feasible motion plans. We compare our algorithm with previous algorithms and show superior performance in various simulations.