Fusion energy offers the potential for the generation of clean, safe, and nearly inexhaustible energy. While notable progress has been made in recent years, significant challenges persist in achieving net energy gain. Improving plasma confinement and stability stands as a crucial task in this regard and requires optimization and control of the plasma system. In this work, we deploy a PDE-constrained optimization formulation that uses a kinetic description for plasma dynamics as the constraint. This is to optimize, over all possible controllable external electric fields, the stability of the plasma dynamics under the condition that the Vlasov--Poisson (VP) equation is satisfied. For computing the functional derivative with respect to the external field in the optimization updates, the adjoint equation is derived. Furthermore, in the discrete setting, where we employ the semi-Lagrangian method as the forward solver, we also explicitly formulate the corresponding adjoint solver and the gradient as the discrete analogy to the adjoint equation and the Frechet derivative. A distinct feature we observed of this constrained optimization is the complex landscape of the objective function and the existence of numerous local minima, largely due to the hyperbolic nature of the VP system. To overcome this issue, we utilize a gradient-accelerated genetic algorithm, leveraging the advantages of the genetic algorithm's exploration feature to cover a broader search of the solution space and the fast local convergence aided by the gradient information. We show that our algorithm obtains good electric fields that are able to maintain a prescribed profile in a beam shaping problem and uses nonlinear effects to suppress plasma instability in a two-stream configuration.