Learning predictive world models is crucial for enhancing the planning capabilities of reinforcement learning (RL) agents. Recently, MuZero-style algorithms, leveraging the value equivalence principle and Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS), have achieved superhuman performance in various domains. However, these methods struggle to scale in heterogeneous scenarios with diverse dependencies and task variability. To overcome these limitations, we introduce UniZero, a novel approach that employs a modular transformer-based world model to effectively learn a shared latent space. By concurrently predicting latent dynamics and decision-oriented quantities conditioned on the learned latent history, UniZero enables joint optimization of the long-horizon world model and policy, facilitating broader and more efficient planning in the latent space. We show that UniZero significantly outperforms existing baselines in benchmarks that require long-term memory. Additionally, UniZero demonstrates superior scalability in multitask learning experiments conducted on Atari benchmarks. In standard single-task RL settings, such as Atari and DMControl, UniZero matches or even surpasses the performance of current state-of-the-art methods. Finally, extensive ablation studies and visual analyses validate the effectiveness and scalability of UniZero's design choices. Our code is available at \textcolor{magenta}{https://github.com/opendilab/LightZero}.