项目名称: 机械力化学改性废胶粉及其并用胶自由基活化状态分析与性能研究
项目编号: No.51273172
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 张明
作者单位: 扬州大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 作为废旧橡胶轮胎循环利用的重要途径之一,胶粉再生技术因其绿色环保而受到日益广泛的重视,但其制品性能仍难与传统橡胶制品媲美。为提升胶粉橡胶制品性能,使胶粉可作为橡胶原料得到应用,势必需对胶粉进行有效的改性,其中机械力化学改性技术极具前途。但因工艺复杂,缺乏对胶粉改性及并用过程中自由基活化状态和结构演变的理论认识,极大地限制了机械力化学改性胶粉及并用工艺的设计开发。本项目拟以改性胶粉及其并用胶的自由基为研究对象,建立针对胶粉体系,以电子顺磁共振为主要手段分析自由基活化状态(包括自由基种类、含量及寿命)的可靠方法,在此基础上,研究不同机械力化学改性工艺条件下胶粉与并用胶中自由基活化状态,确立利用加工工艺调控自由基活化状态的有效方法,建立改性胶粉及并用胶自由基活化状态与胶粉橡胶制品亚微观结构和性能之间的关系,并探索胶粉高性能回收利用的新工艺,为实现废弃橡胶胶粉化绿色循环利用奠定坚实的应用理论基础。
中文关键词: 废弃胶粉;并用胶;自由基;机械力化学改性;力学性能
英文摘要: Waste rubber powders(WRP) have gotten more and more attentions for it is one of the most important routes to recycling the scrapped rubber, however, the properties of WRP products can not overtake those of the conventional rubber products. The modification of WRP is extremely necessary for improving the properties of the WRP products and make WRP as a new rubber resource. Mechano-chemical modification is one of the most potential ways. However, the complexities of the processing techniques and the insufficient theoretical analysis of radical groups in WRP and their blends together constrain the development of mechano-chemical modifying and blending techniques. In this proposal, focusing on the radical groups in mechano-chemical modified WRP and their blends, the quantitative method for WRP mainly based on the electron paramagnetic resonance to analyze the radical group activation states including their existing forms, concentrations and life-spans will be developed, and then the radical groups' states in varied processing conditions will be systemically investigated to control the radical groups' activation states by designing and adjusting the processing conditions. Furthermore, the relationships between the radical groups' activation states and the final products' microstructures as well as properties will be
英文关键词: Waste rubber powders;Blend;Radical group;Mechano-chemical modification;Mechanical properties