This paper deals with a nonparametric Nadaraya-Watson estimator $\hat b$ of the drift function computed from independent continuous observations of a diffusion process. Risk bounds on $\hat b$ and its discrete-time approximation are established. The paper also deals with extensions of the PCO and leave-one-out cross validation bandwidth selection methods for $\hat b$. Finally, some numerical experiments are provided.
翻译:本文件涉及从对扩散过程的独立连续观测中计算出来的漂移函数的非参数Nadaraya-Watson估计值$hat b$b$,确定对$hat b$及其离散时间近似值的风险约束值,文件还涉及PCO的扩展和1美元+hat b$的放假跨频带宽选择方法。最后,提供了一些数字实验。