项目名称: 面向复杂载荷的硬岩掘进装备不确定性约束下非线性动力学特性及顺应性设计研究
项目编号: No.51275292
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 余海东
作者单位: 上海交通大学
项目金额: 75万元
中文摘要: 硬岩掘进装备的不确定性约束条件、关键部件的变形与液压缸的非线性力学特性对其动力学特性十分重要,它们使得在突变载荷等复杂工况下冗余驱动机械系统内力传递特性十分复杂,易导致冗余驱动元件发生力流畸变,造成结构异常损伤、失效或整体发生堵转。本项目围绕硬岩掘进装备的动力学机械性能,考虑与刀盘载荷耦合支撑约束的不确定性,建立掘进装备约束不确定性数学模型;分析机械系统关键零部件和主要关节变形,建立变载荷下结构非线性刚度等效模型;研究液压缸变载荷下的力学特性,建立其刚度等效模型;在此基础上,建立掘进装备的机械系统刚柔耦合动力学模型,分析不同参数下机械结构的稳定性、均载性及不同外载荷下振动特性,揭示结构参数与系统动力学特性间的内在规律;建立冗余驱动掘进装备机械系统的阻抗模型,分析冗余驱动变构型下机械阻抗特性,提出面向复杂地质条件下掘进装备的顺应性评价与设计方法,并进行实验验证,为硬岩掘进装备的设计提供指导。
中文关键词: 不确定约束;动力学特性;功率流;均载性;硬岩掘进机
英文摘要: There are three aspects, uncertainity constrain conditions, deforamtion of key parts and nonlinear mechanical behavior of hydraulic cylinders , which are every important for the dynamic behavior of hard rocky tunning boring machines.They can make load transmission in redundant actuating mechanical system complicated and load tranmission abnormal, which result in the damage, failure or blockage of shield machines. In this study, the mathematic model of constrain conditions will be built under considering the uncertain constrain of cocntact interface. The nonlinear equevalence stiffness model will be proposed by analysing the deformation of key parts and joints of shield machines. The equevalence stiffness model will be presented through investigating the mechanical behavior of hydraulic cylinders. Based on above studies,the flexible multibody dynamic model of shield machines will be established . Studying on the corealation of stability, load sharing behavior and mechanical parameters as well as the vibration behavior at various loads will reveal the intrinsic correlation of dynamic behavior and mechanical parameters. Morever, the impedence model of redundant actuating mechanical system will be establised and discussed. The compliance strategies of mechanical system of shield machines for the complex geological
英文关键词: uncertain constrains;dynamic behavior;power flow;load-sharing;TBM