项目名称: 柔性制造系统最优化死锁控制策略及其应用研究
项目编号: No.61203038
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化学科
项目作者: 陈玉峰
作者单位: 西安电子科技大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 本项目致力于解决柔性制造系统的死锁问题. 由于死锁问题往往引起系统部分或全部停滞甚至是造成灾难性的后果, 因此死锁是控制柔性制造系统时必须考虑和解决的问题. 在逻辑层次上, 行为许可性, 结构复杂性和计算复杂性是评价活性Petri网控制器的主要性能指标. 而在控制策略的实现上则须考虑控制器的实现代价问题. 本项目拟立足于三个方面进行Petri网控制器优化设计: 1) 在逻辑层面上进行死锁控制, 同时考虑物理层面上死锁控制实现代价问题, 设计控制代价和行为许可性同时优化的活性Petri网控制器; 2) 针对在纯网范围内不存在最大许可行为Petri网控制器的网模型, 寻求其非纯网结构的最大许可行为的Petri网控制器; 3) 将死锁控制问题转化成线性规划问题, 通过求解线性规划得到行为许可性, 结构复杂性和计算代价同时优化的Petri网控制器.
中文关键词: 柔性制造系统;Petri网;死锁;最优控制;最小实现代价
英文摘要: The project aims to deal with deadlock problems in flexible manufacturing systems (FMS). Deadlocks must be considered and sloved in the control of FMSs since they always block the parts of or the whole systems even lead to catastrophic results. Behavioral permissiveness, structural complexity, and computational complexity are the major criteria to evaluate and design liveness-enforcing Petri net supervisors.The control cost of a supervisor is also an important issue for the implementation of the corresponding control policy. In this project, three topics are considered to design a liveness-enfocring Petri net supervisor: 1) By considering the deadlock control and the implementation cost, design liveness-enforcing supervisor with the optimization of both the behavioral permisiveness and the implementation cost. 2) Some Petri net models have no pure maximally permissive supervisor. In this case, this project tries to find a non-pure Petri net supervisor with maximally permissiveness. 3) Transform the deadlock control problems into linear programming problems and solve the problems to obtain Petri net supervisors with the optimization of the behavioral permissiveness, structural complexity, and computational overhead.
英文关键词: flexible manufacturing system;Petri net;deadlock;optimal control;lowest implementation cost