项目名称: 大型非球面形状纳米测量方法及误差补偿技术研究
项目编号: No.51305035
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 肖木峥
作者单位: 北京理工大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 超精密大型非球面在高精度天文望远镜,大型X射线装置及导弹制导系统等军事领域中得到广泛应用。然而针对高精度复杂曲面的纳米精度测量问题一直是影响曲面质量的瓶颈问题。传统的干涉测量法虽然具有很高的测量精度,却难以测量形状较复杂的曲面。而采用位移传感器的接触式曲面测量仪器的测量精度则仅停留在亚微米级别,其主要原因是位移测量受多自由度扫描平台的运动误差的影响较大。针对上述问题,本研究提出基于光学角度扫描法的大型非球面形状测量方法。为了使该方法达到纳米测量不确定度,本研究首先建立多因素误差的非线性误差传播模型,探究误差影响机理,从而对关键误差影响因素提出相应的补偿方案。而后,本研究对光学角度传感器测量非球面曲面时的系统误差影响进行分析,通过系统误差标定提高测量的绝对精度。本研究的实现将为超精密大尺寸零件的形状的纳米精度测量提供新的方法和理论参考。
中文关键词: 非球面;角度扫描法;面型测量;纳米精度;误差分析
英文摘要: Large aspheric optical surfaces are widly used in Extrexmely Large Telescopes (ELT), large X-ray facilities and military fields especially in missile guidance systerm. However, the problem of measurement accuracy of these precise surfaces are remained bottleneck for the quality control of these surfaces.Although traditional interferometry methods have high accuracy, they are unavalable for measurement of complex aspheric surfaces. In the other hand, traditional profilometry methods can solve this problem. However, because displacement measurement is sensitive to the multiple error effects from multi-DOF stages,the limite accuracy of profilometry methods is sub-micron.This research aim to propose a new measurement method for large aspheric optical surfaces based on optical slope measurement method. To achieve nanometer measurement uncertainty, we firsly build the non-linear error propagation model from multiple motion error factors to final measurement uncertainty and propose compensation methods for each key error factors. Then we propose calibration method for the autocollimator when measuring apsheric surfaces to improve the absolute accuracy. This research will provide new methods and theoretical reference for nanometer profile measurement of large size parts.
英文关键词: Aspheric surface;Scanning deflectometry;profile measurement;nanometer accuracy;error analysis