项目名称: 东北中生代晚期传粉昆虫的辐射与虫媒植物的协同演化
项目编号: No.40872022
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 生物科学
项目作者: 任东
作者单位: 首都师范大学
项目金额: 45万元
中文摘要: 对中国东北中、晚侏罗世的脉翅目,鞘翅目、长翅目等昆虫化石进行了系统的采集和研究。已发表专著3部,研究论文99篇,其中SCI论文87篇。报道昆虫3新科,78新属,12个科为我国的首次发现,同时也是世界上该科的最老代表。发现了中侏罗世传粉昆虫与虫媒裸子植物之间存在着一种新的传粉模式。证明了在中侏罗世具有细长吸受式口器的长翅目昆虫可以在已灭绝的裸子植物上取食传粉滴,同时起到了传粉的作用,向传统的白垩纪晚期传粉昆虫与开花植物之间的协同演化经典模式提出了挑战。这是目前为止最早的关于传粉昆虫和虫媒植物之间协同演化的例子,改变了人们对传粉昆虫早期生态演化的观点。中侏罗世的叶状拟态昆虫将昆虫叶状拟态的历史向前推进了1亿2千万年,揭示了一种更为复杂的昆虫与裸子植物之间相互作用的生态学现象。证明了在侏罗纪昆虫与裸子植物间已经出现了特异性的协同进化关系。2010年8月21日-25日,任东作为大会组织委员会主席,成功地在首都师范大学举办了第5届化石昆虫、节肢动物及琥珀国际大会,接待了来自19个国家的140名代表。
中文关键词: 传粉昆虫;协同演化;拟态;中生代
英文摘要: Mesozoic fossil insects were collected by us systematically from Middle and Late Jurassic rocks of Northeast China. Taxonomic studies focus on fossil Neuroptera Coleoptera,Mecoptera etc. Up to now, three books and 99 papers have been published, of which 87 papers were published in SCI magazines. Three new families and 78 new genera within insecta have been reported. 12 families were the first and oldest record all over the world.A new and previously unknown pollination mode before radiation of angiosperms occurring between the Mesozoic insects and contemporaneous gymnosperms was reported. It was proven that siphon-bearing mercopterans from the Middle Jurassic fed on gymnospermous pollination drops and likely engaged in pollination mutualisms with these gymnosperms. These findings challenged the classic story of co-evolution and diversification of both pollinating insects and flowering plants during the Late Cretaceous. Up to date, this is the earliest known case of co-evolution between plants and insect pollinators, changing the perception of ecological scenario for the evolution of plant-pollinators. The earliest leaf mimicry insects from the Middle Jurassic predate the previous record of leaf mimicry insects by nearly 120 million years, revealing a more rich association of insects and their surrounding gymnospermous plants in past geological epochs than previously has been surmised.The discovery of the earliest leaf mimicry insects provided proof that insects and gymnosperms have developed the specialized co-evolution relationships in the Middle Jurassic.During August 21th-25th 2010, "The 5th International Conference on Fossil Insects, Arthropods and Amber", organized by Prof Ren, was successfully held in the Capital Normal University, Beijing, China. 140 representatives from 19 countries attended the Conference.
英文关键词: pollinating insects; co-evolution; mimicry; Mesozoic