项目名称: 云南禄丰及周边地区早-中侏罗世恐龙动物群研究
项目编号: No.41472020
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 尤海鲁
作者单位: 中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所
项目金额: 108万元
中文摘要: 恐龙起源于三叠纪,而恐龙时代的来临却始于早侏罗世。相对于化石保存较多,研究程度较高的白垩纪恐龙,对侏罗纪,尤其是对我国西南地区早中侏罗世恐龙化石的研究却相对滞后。这与该区具有广泛发育且出露良好的陆相侏罗纪地层的事实不甚相符。而且要深究恐龙的演替过程也不可回避侏罗纪,尤其是其早期。云南禄丰及其周边地区是世界上早中侏罗世陆相地层出露最好,恐龙化石发现最多的地区之一,近年来在该地又陆续发现了一批具有重要研究价值的恐龙化石。本项研究将对该区域早中侏罗世进行以恐龙为主的考察和研究。预期会发现一批新的恐龙化石,对这些新化石和已发现但尚未研究标本的系统综合研究将会增进对各类恐龙骨骼形态特征和系统发育关系的认识,进而可以进一步探讨侏罗纪期间禄丰和邻区乃至世界各恐龙组合的异同及演替关系,为全面深入研究禄丰、云南及我国西南地区侏罗纪陆地生态系统和环境变迁提供新的重要依据。预期发表10篇(SCI刊物为主)论文。
中文关键词: 中生代;侏罗纪;恐龙;云南;禄丰
英文摘要: Dinosaurs originated in Triassic, however the Age of Dinosaurs only arrived in the Early Jurassic. Compared to the relative abundances of fossil preservations and researches focusing on the Cretaceous dinosaurs, studies on the Jurassic dinosaurs, especially those from the Early and Middle Jurassic in southwestern China attracted less attention in these years. This is not proportional to the fact of the wide distributions and well exposures of terrestrial Jurassic strata in this region. And, studies on dinosaurs can not ignore Jurassic materials, especially those from its early part, in order to understand their evolutional successions. Lufeng of Yunnan and its surrounding areas form one of world's best places preserving the Early - Middle Jurassic strata and dinosaurs. Moreover, in recent years, a number of new dinosaur specimens have been discovered and prepared in this area, but have not been studied. This proposed project will focus on the Early and Middle Jurassic dinosaurs in this region, especially on those from the Early Jurassic in Lufeng. We will explore and excavate new dinosaurs, and start with the study of those recently discovered but not yet studied specimens, including the description of their detailed anatomy and the reconstruction of their phylogenetic relationships. Furthermore, comparisons of Lufeng dinosaur assemblages to those from neighboring areas and relevent places around the world will provide a framework for dinosaur faunal turnovers in the Jurassic of southwestern China and globally. All these will eventually contribute to the understanding of the evolving ecological and environmental systems in the Jurassic of Lufeng, Yunnan, and southwestern China. 10 SCI-dominated papers are expected out of this research project.
英文关键词: Mesozoic;Jurassic;Dinosaur;Yunnan;Lufeng