项目名称: 土地利用变化对流域洪水风险的影响及其不确定性分析
项目编号: No.41301031
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 陈莹
作者单位: 福建师范大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 土地利用的快速变化导致流域洪水风险日趋加剧,定量评价土地利用变化所引起的洪水风险对于区域可持续发展具有重要意义。然而,当前国内外在土地利用变化洪水风险影响的不确定性这一关键问题的研究方面依然较薄弱。本项目选取土地利用变化剧烈、研究基础较好的东南沿海晋江西溪流域为研究区,综合运用分布式水文模型、水文频率分析、不确定性分析等方法,探求土地利用变化对流域洪水风险的影响及其不确定性。首先建立研究区SWAT模型,在GLUE、MCMC方法评价和优选的基础上,分析土地利用变化洪水响应模拟的不确定性;进而采用贝叶斯因子法和MCMC技术评估洪水频率分析的不确定性,从而实现水文模拟不确定性和洪水频率分析不确定性的耦合,获得不同土地利用情景下洪水频率分布的特征值和置信区间,以综合识别土地利用变化对洪水风险影响的不确定性。本研究将深化土地利用变化下洪灾风险演变规律的认识,所构建方法将为防灾研究提供有力的技术支持。
中文关键词: 土地利用变化;径流变化;洪水风险;分布式水文模型;不确定性
英文摘要: Flood risk of watershed has increased greatly due to the rapid change of land use, and quantitative assessment of the effect of land use change on flood risk is of great importance for regional sustainable development.However,the key problem of unceratinty assessment in this issuse has been rarely investigated by scholars at home and abroad.The project will select Jinjiang Xixi watershed in Fujian Province which has been undergoing intensive land use change and also has good research basis as the study area, and combine the distributed hydrological model, hydrologic frequency analysis, uncertainty method to discuss the impact of land use change on flood risk and its uncertainty. The organization of the project is as follows. Firstly, SWAT model will be set up, calibrated and validated to model the rainfall-runoff process in the study area, and model uncertainy of SWAT be analyzed using Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) method and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method,then the uncertainty of flood reponse to land use change be obtained. Next, the methods of Bayesian factor and MCMC will be combined to assess the uncertainty of flood frequency analysis. And the coupling analysis of model simulation uncertainty and flood frequency analysis uncertainty will be realized as a result. Finally, the i
英文关键词: land use and land cover change;change in runoff;flood risk;distributed hydrological model;uncertainty