项目名称: 执行器饱和系统的新型增益调度控制理论研究及其应用
项目编号: No.61503105
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 王茜
作者单位: 杭州电子科技大学
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 执行器饱和非线性的存在经常给系统带来不利的影响,降低了系统的性能,甚至影响到系统的稳定性。针对执行器饱和系统,特别是当参数存在不确定时,单一的控制器已经不能满足控制系统的动态性能要求。然而,随着现代控制科学的发展,工程实际对于控制系统快速收敛的性能要求越来越高。因此,申请人提出了执行器饱和系统的新型增益调度控制方法来改善闭环系统的动态性能。本项目将进一步发展申请人前期所提新型增益调度控制方法来解决更为复杂的执行器饱和系统控制问题。针对执行器饱和系统研究鲁棒增益调度输出反馈控制方法、鲁棒干扰抑制增益调度控制方法及鲁棒容错增益调度控制方法,并将所提新型增益调度控制方法推广到执行器饱和离散系统中。进一步将所得研究结果应用于解决航天器轨道交会系统的控制问题,期望能够为实际工程应用提供一定的理论保证和技术支持。
中文关键词: 执行器饱和系统;增益调度控制;航天器轨道交会
英文摘要: Actuator saturation nonlinearity may lead to performance degradation and even instability of the closed-loop system. In view of the actuator saturated system, especially with parametric uncertainties, a single controller can not meet the requirements of the dynamic performance of the control system. However, with the development of modern control science, fast convergence performance requirements of the control system for practical application become increasingly high. Therefore, the applicant proposed the new gain scheduling control approach to improve the dynamic performance of the closed-loop system. This project will continue to develop the proposed new gain scheduling control method to solve a series of related complex control problems for the actuator saturation system. In this project, new theories on robust gain scheduling output feedback control, robust disturbance rejection gain scheduling control and robust fault tolerant gain scheduling control for the actuator saturation system will be studied. Besides, the proposed method will be extended to actuator saturation discrete system. Furthermore, the obtained results will be applied to the spacecraft orbital rendezvous system, and are expected to provide certain theoretical guidance and technical support for the control engineering practice.
英文关键词: Actuator Saturated Systems;Gain Scheduling Control;Spacecraft Orbital Rendezvous