项目名称: 关系嵌入性、组织学习与企业创新绩效:基于内容视角的研究
项目编号: No.71203199
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 宏观管理与政策
项目作者: 应洪斌
作者单位: 浙江师范大学
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 关系嵌入性作为企业获取外部信息和资源的重要机制,极大地影响着企业的创新。虽然当前不少学者已经对关系嵌入性与技术创新之间的关系进行了初步的研究,并得出不少有意义的结论,但具体地关系嵌入性对企业技术创新绩效的作用机理问题仍有待进一步研究和完善。本项目围绕"企业如何利用关系嵌入性推动技术创新"这一重要问题,以嵌入性理论为基础,从内容视角出发对前述问题进行解释。具体地,本研究包括三部分内容:1)基于内容视角的关系嵌入性分类,即从内容视角出发将关系嵌入性分为技术信息嵌入性、技术资源嵌入性、业务信息嵌入性和业务资源嵌入性;2)不同类型的关系嵌入性对企业技术创新的影响机制问题,即考虑不同情境下各种类型的关系嵌入性对技术创新绩效的影响效果问题;3)关系嵌入性对企业创新绩效的作用机制问题,即分析前述四种类型的关系嵌入性如何通过组织学习进而影响企业的技术创新绩效。
中文关键词: 关系嵌入性;组织学习;创新绩效;内容视角;知识获取
英文摘要: As an important way to access external information and resources, relational embeddedness greatly affects the company's innovation. Although many existing studies have emphasized the role of the relational embeddedness in technological innovation, the influencing mechanism of relational embeddedness on innovation performance of firm is still in mystery. This project focus on the quesetion of how companies use relational embeddedness to promote innovation, and then to analyze the above-mentioned question from the content perspective. Specifically, this project can be divided into three parts.In the first part the aruthor standing on the content persperctive and argues that the relational embeddedness can be classified into technological information embeddedness, technological resource embeddedness,business information embeddedness and technological resource embeddedness.in second part, the project aims to construct the influencing mechanism of relational embeddedness on innovation performance of firm. Specific to say, this part study the role of relaitonal embeddedness in different context. In the third part, the project aims to construct the action mechanism of relational embeddedness on innovation performance of firm. Specifically, this part discusses the question of how four kinds of relational embeddedness a
英文关键词: Relational embeddedness;organizational learning;innovation performance;content perspective;knowledge acquiring