This study focuses on the task of supervised prediction of aging-related genes from -omics data. Unlike gene expression methods for this task that capture aging-specific information but ignore interactions between genes (i.e., their protein products), or protein-protein interaction (PPI) network methods for this task that account for PPIs but the PPIs are context-unspecific, we recently integrated the two data types into an aging-specific PPI subnetwork, which yielded more accurate aging-related gene predictions. However, a dynamic aging-specific subnetwork did not improve prediction performance compared to a static aging-specific subnetwork, despite the aging process being dynamic. This could be because the dynamic subnetwork was inferred using a naive Induced subgraph approach. Instead, we recently inferred a dynamic aging-specific subnetwork using a methodologically more advanced notion of network propagation (NP), which improved upon Induced dynamic aging-specific subnetwork in a different task, that of unsupervised analyses of the aging process. Here, we evaluate whether our existing NP-based dynamic subnetwork will improve upon the dynamic as well as static subnetwork constructed by the Induced approach in the considered task of supervised prediction of aging-related genes. The existing NP-based subnetwork is unweighted, i.e., it gives equal importance to each of the aging-specific PPIs. Because accounting for aging-specific edge weights might be important, we additionally propose a weighted NP-based dynamic aging-specific subnetwork. We demonstrate that a predictive machine learning model trained and tested on the weighted subnetwork yields higher accuracy when predicting aging-related genes than predictive models run on the existing unweighted dynamic or static subnetworks, regardless of whether the existing subnetworks were inferred using NP or the Induced approach.
翻译:本研究侧重于从 - 缩略语数据对与老化相关的基因进行监督预测的任务。 不同于用于这项任务的基因表达方法,该方法收集了特定老化信息,但忽视了基因(即蛋白质产品)或蛋白质蛋白互动(PPI)网络方法之间的相互作用,而该方法涉及PPPI,但PPPI不针对具体背景,我们最近将这两种数据类型纳入了一个特定老化的PPPI子网络,该方法产生了更准确的与老化相关的基因预测。然而,一个动态的、具体化的子网络没有改善预测性,而该方法与一个固定的、具体化的子网络相比,尽管正在不断老化的子网络,但是,尽管正在不断老化的、具体化的子网络,但是,尽管正在不断老化的子网络系统,但动态的子网络网络的预变现的预变现, 将会改进我们目前变现的变现的亚变现变现的亚变现变现变现的亚。 一种变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现变现变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现, 变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变的变的变现的变现的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的