We extend our previous work on two-party election competition [Lin, Lu & Chen 2021] to the setting of three or more parties. An election campaign among two or more parties is viewed as a game of two or more players. Each of them has its own candidates as the pure strategies to play. People, as voters, comprise supporters for each party, and a candidate brings utility for the the supporters of each party. Each player nominates exactly one of its candidates to compete against the other party's. \emph{A candidate is assumed to win the election with higher odds if it brings more utility for all the people.} The payoff of each player is the expected utility its supporters get. The game is egoistic if every candidate benefits her party's supporters more than any candidate from the competing party does. In this work, we first argue that the election game always has a pure Nash equilibrium when the winner is chosen by the hardmax function, while there exist game instances in the three-party election game such that no pure Nash equilibrium exists even the game is egoistic. Next, we propose two sufficient conditions for the egoistic election game to have a pure Nash equilibrium. Based on these conditions, we propose a fixed-parameter tractable algorithm to compute a pure Nash equilibrium of the egoistic election game. Finally, perhaps surprisingly, we show that the price of anarchy of the egoistic election game is upper bounded by the number of parties. Our findings suggest that the election becomes unpredictable when more than two parties are involved and, moreover, the social welfare deteriorates with the number of participating parties in terms of possibly increasing price of anarchy. This work alternatively explains why the two-party system is prevalent in democratic countries.
翻译:我们扩展了之前我们对两个政党竞选的研究 [Lin, Lu & Chen 2021],将其应用于三个或更多政党的竞选环境。两个或多个政党之间的选举竞争被视为两个或多个玩家之间的博弈。每个玩家都有自己的候选人作为纯策略。作为选民的人们组成每个政党的支持者。每个候选人为每个政党的支持者带来效用。每个玩家提名其候选人之一与另一个政党竞争。当一个候选人为所有人带来更多效用时,就假设此候选人胜出的概率更高。每个玩家的回报是其支持者获得的期望效用。如果每个候选人都让其所在政党的支持者获益大于其他竞争政党的任何候选人,该游戏就是自私的。在本文中,我们首先证明了选举游戏在获胜者选用 hardmax 函数时总是存在一个纯纳什均衡点,而在三个或更多政党的选举游戏中,即使该游戏是自私的,有时也不存在纯纳什均衡点。接下来,我们提出了两个足够的条件,以使自私的选举游戏存在一个纯纳什均衡点。基于这些条件,我们提出了一个固定参数可跟踪算法来计算自私的选举游戏的纯纳什均衡。最后,令人惊讶的是,我们表明自私选举游戏的厌恶指数上限是政党数。我们的研究发现,当多于两个政党参与时,选举变得不可预测,此外,随着参与政党数量的增加,社会福利会恶化,可能会产生更高的厌恶指数。这项研究也解释了为什么二党制在民主国家普遍存在。