We propose a self-stabilizing leader election (SS-LE) protocol on ring networks in the population protocol model. Given a rough knowledge $\psi = \lceil \log n \rceil + O(1)$ on the population size $n$, the proposed protocol lets the population reach a safe configuration within $O(n^2 \log n)$ steps with high probability starting from any configuration. Thereafter, the population keeps the unique leader forever. Since no protocol solves SS-LE in $o(n^2)$ steps with high probability, the convergence time is near-optimal: the gap is only an $O(\log n)$ multiplicative factor. This protocol uses only $polylog(n)$ states. There exist two state-of-the-art algorithms in current literature that solve SS-LE on ring networks. The first algorithm uses a polynomial number of states and solves SS-LE in $O(n^2)$ steps, whereas the second algorithm requires exponential time but it uses only a constant number of states. Our proposed algorithm provides an excellent middle ground between these two.