Fine-grained visual classification can be addressed by deep representation learning under supervision of manually pre-defined targets (e.g., one-hot or the Hadamard codes). Such target coding schemes are less flexible to model inter-class correlation and are sensitive to sparse and imbalanced data distribution as well. In light of this, this paper introduces a novel target coding scheme -- dynamic target relation graphs (DTRG), which, as an auxiliary feature regularization, is a self-generated structural output to be mapped from input images. Specifically, online computation of class-level feature centers is designed to generate cross-category distance in the representation space, which can thus be depicted by a dynamic graph in a non-parametric manner. Explicitly minimizing intra-class feature variations anchored on those class-level centers can encourage learning of discriminative features. Moreover, owing to exploiting inter-class dependency, the proposed target graphs can alleviate data sparsity and imbalanceness in representation learning. Inspired by recent success of the mixup style data augmentation, this paper introduces randomness into soft construction of dynamic target relation graphs to further explore relation diversity of target classes. Experimental results can demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on a number of diverse benchmarks of multiple visual classification tasks, especially achieving the state-of-the-art performance on popular fine-grained object benchmarks and superior robustness against sparse and imbalanced data. Source codes are made publicly available at
翻译:精细的视觉分类可以通过在人工预设目标(如单热或哈达马德代码)监督下的深层代表性学习来解决。这类目标编码办法不太灵活,无法模拟类际相关性,对分散和不平衡的数据分布也很敏感。鉴于此,本文件引入了一个新的目标编码办法 -- -- 动态目标关系图(DTRG),作为辅助特征正规化的一个辅助特征,这是从输入图像中绘制的自生结构产出。具体地说,类级特征中心在线计算旨在生成代表性空间的跨类别距离,因此,可以用动态图表来描述,从而用非参数方式描述。明确减少基于这些类中心的内部特征差异,可以鼓励学习歧视性特征。此外,由于利用了类际间依赖性,拟议的目标图表可以减轻数据紧张性和代表性学习不平衡性。由于最近混合式数据增强,本文将随机性引入动态目标关系图,以便进一步探索目标范围的弹性关系。A类内部特征变异性差异,特别是在可视性基准上,在可视性基准上,在可变性数据分类中,可实现的精确性数据分析结果,在可变性数据排序上可以显示。