Continual learning has become essential in many practical applications such as online news summaries and product classification. The primary challenge is known as catastrophic forgetting, a phenomenon where a model inadvertently discards previously learned knowledge when it is trained on new tasks. Existing solutions involve storing exemplars from previous classes, regularizing parameters during the fine-tuning process, or assigning different model parameters to each task. The proposed solution LSEBMCL (Latent Space Energy-Based Model for Continual Learning) in this work is to use energy-based models (EBMs) to prevent catastrophic forgetting by sampling data points from previous tasks when training on new ones. The EBM is a machine learning model that associates an energy value with each input data point. The proposed method uses an EBM layer as an outer-generator in the continual learning framework for NLP tasks. The study demonstrates the efficacy of EBM in NLP tasks, achieving state-of-the-art results in all experiments.