The tractability of certain CSPs for dense or sparse instances is known from the 90s. Recently, the densification and the sparsification of CSPs were formulated as computational tasks and the systematical study of their computational complexity was initiated. We approach this problem by introducing the densification operator, i.e. the closure operator that, given an instance of a CSP, outputs all constraints that are satisfied by all of its solutions. According to the Galois theory of closure operators, any such operator is related to a certain implicational system (or, a functional dependency) $\Sigma$. We are specifically interested in those classes of fixed-template CSPs, parameterized by constraint languages $\Gamma$, for which there is an implicational system $\Sigma$ whose size is a polynomial in the number of variables $n$. We show that in the Boolean case, such implicational systems exist if and only if $\Gamma$ is of bounded width. For such languages, $\Sigma$ can be computed in log-space or in a logarithmic time with a polynomial number of processors. Given an implicational system $\Sigma$, the densification task is equivalent to the computation of the closure of input constraints. The sparsification task is equivalent to the computation of the minimal key.
翻译:某些 CSP 用于密度大或稀薄情况的可追溯性来自90年代。 最近, CSP 的密度和宽度被设计成计算任务,并开始对其计算复杂性进行系统化研究。 我们通过引入 Entication 操作器来解决这个问题, 即关闭操作器, 从一个 CSP 的例子来看, 输出所有解决方案都满足的所有限制。 根据 Galois 关闭操作器的理论, 任何这样的操作器都与某种隐含系统( 或功能依赖性) $\Sigma$ 有关。 我们特别感兴趣的是固定板 CSP 的类别, 以限制语言为参数参数 $\Gamma$ 。 对此我们引入了一个隐含性系统 $\Sigma$, 其规模在变量数量上是多元的。 我们在Boolean 案中, 只有当$\Gamamamam 的系统是约束性的宽度时, 才会存在这种隐含性系统。 对于这样的语言, $\\ Sigma $, 可以在log- 空间中或对等值的对数的 Camalimalimalimal imalimationalimational licrigical lical imal imational extical rigistral rigical rigical rigical riction rigictional rigicaltical comtical comtical rigical rigistr comtical rigical rigical rigistr rigical rigical comtical rigistr rigical rigical 工作, 。