Solving analytically intractable partial differential equations (PDEs) that involve at least one variable defined in an unbounded domain requires efficient numerical methods that accurately resolve the dependence of the PDE on that variable over several orders of magnitude. Unbounded domain problems arise in various application areas and solving such problems is important for understanding multi-scale biological dynamics, resolving physical processes at long time scales and distances, and performing parameter inference in engineering problems. In this work, we combine two classes of numerical methods: (i) physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) and (ii) adaptive spectral methods. The numerical methods that we develop take advantage of the ability of physics-informed neural networks to easily implement high-order numerical schemes to efficiently solve PDEs. We then show how recently introduced adaptive techniques for spectral methods can be integrated into PINN-based PDE solvers to obtain numerical solutions of unbounded domain problems that cannot be efficiently approximated by standard PINNs. Through a number of examples, we demonstrate the advantages of the proposed spectrally adapted PINNs (s-PINNs) over standard PINNs in approximating functions, solving PDEs, and estimating model parameters from noisy observations in unbounded domains.
翻译:在这项工作中,我们结合了两类数字方法:(一) 物理-知情神经网络(PINNs)和(二) 适应光谱方法。我们开发的数字方法利用物理-知情神经网络(s-PINNS)的能力来利用物理-知情神经网络(s-PINNs)的功能,以方便地实施高效解决PDEs的高级数字计划。然后,我们展示如何将最近引进的光谱方法适应技术纳入基于PINN的PDE解答器,以获得标准PINNs无法有效地与标准PINNs相近的无限制域问题的数字解决办法。我们通过一些实例,展示了在标准PINNs(S-PINNS)的观测中,从不可靠的PINNs(S-PINNS)的观测参数中,从不可靠的PINNs(S-PINNS)和PINS(PDS)的观测参数中,从不可靠的PINSUDSDS(S)进行分辨的模拟,我们展示了拟议的光谱调PINNs(S-DRINNs)的参数的优点。