Efficiently and accurately simulating partial differential equations (PDEs) in and around arbitrarily defined geometries, especially with high levels of adaptivity, has significant implications for different application domains. A key bottleneck in the above process is the fast construction of a `good' adaptively-refined mesh. In this work, we present an efficient novel octree-based adaptive discretization approach capable of carving out arbitrarily shaped void regions from the parent domain: an essential requirement for fluid simulations around complex objects. Carving out objects produces an $\textit{incomplete}$ octree. We develop efficient top-down and bottom-up traversal methods to perform finite element computations on $\textit{incomplete}$ octrees. We validate the framework by (a) showing appropriate convergence analysis and (b) computing the drag coefficient for flow past a sphere for a wide range of Reynolds numbers ($\mathcal{O}(1-10^6)$) encompassing the drag crisis regime. Finally, we deploy the framework on a realistic geometry on a current project to evaluate COVID-19 transmission risk in classrooms.
翻译:高效、准确地模拟任意界定的地貌和周围的局部差异方程式(PDEs),特别是高度适应性的部分差异方程式,对不同的应用领域具有重大影响。上述进程中的一个关键瓶颈是快速构建一个适应性完善的“良好”网格。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个高效的新颖的、以树为基础的适应性分散化方法,能够将任意形成的空虚区域从父域分割出来:在复杂物体周围进行流体模拟的一项基本要求。分离物体产生一个$\textit{infulty}octree。我们开发了高效的自上而下和自下而上的跨行方法,对$\textit{infreaty}occrees进行限定元素的计算。我们通过以下方法验证框架:(a) 显示适当的趋同分析,以及(b) 计算包括拖动危机制度在内的广泛的Reynolds数字($\mathcal{O}(1-10_6美元)的流体积系数。最后,我们在目前一个项目上对COVID-19的COVID-19传播风险进行实际的几何测量框架。