This paper investigates a valuable setting called few-shot unsupervised domain adaptation (FS-UDA), which has not been sufficiently studied in the literature. In this setting, the source domain data are labelled, but with few-shot per category, while the target domain data are unlabelled. To address the FS-UDA setting, we develop a general UDA model to solve the following two key issues: the few-shot labeled data per category and the domain adaptation between support and query sets. Our model is general in that once trained it will be able to be applied to various FS-UDA tasks from the same source and target domains. Inspired by the recent local descriptor based few-shot learning (FSL), our general UDA model is fully built upon local descriptors (LDs) for image classification and domain adaptation. By proposing a novel concept called similarity patterns (SPs), our model not only effectively considers the spatial relationship of LDs that was ignored in previous FSL methods, but also makes the learned image similarity better serve the required domain alignment. Specifically, we propose a novel IMage-to-class sparse Similarity Encoding (IMSE) method. It learns SPs to extract the local discriminative information for classification and meanwhile aligns the covariance matrix of the SPs for domain adaptation. Also, domain adversarial training and multi-scale local feature matching are performed upon LDs. Extensive experiments conducted on a multi-domain benchmark dataset DomainNet demonstrates the state-of-the-art performance of our IMSE for the novel setting of FS-UDA. In addition, for FSL, our IMSE can also show better performance than most of recent FSL methods on miniImageNet.
翻译:本文调查了一个价值不小且不受监督的域适应(FS- UDA) 的宝贵设置, 这个设置在文献中没有得到充分研究。 在这个设置中, 源域数据贴上标签, 但每个类别只有几发, 而目标域数据则没有标签。 为解决FS- UDA设置, 我们开发了一个通用的 UDA模型, 以解决以下两个关键问题: 每一类的点点标数据, 以及支持和查询组之间的域适应。 我们的模式很一般, 一旦经过培训, 它将能够适用于来自同一来源和目标域的各种FS- UDA任务。 受最近基于少发项学习的本地域标示( FSL) 启发, 我们通用的UDA模型完全建立在本地标示( LDs) 上, 通过提出一个叫作相似模式的新概念, 我们的FSL 方法忽略了LDS的地域空间关系, 并且使所学的图像更符合所需的域校准。 具体地说, 我们提议, 新的IM- 至类域域域域域域域域域域域域域级的S- IMSFSMSDS- 的升级的校验的校验法,, 校验法, 也显示我们最近的本地域域域域域域域域域域域域域域域域域域域级的实地级的实地级的校验法, 。