Stress minimization is among the best studied force-directed graph layout methods because it reliably yields high-quality layouts. It thus comes as a surprise that a novel approach based on stochastic gradient descent (Zheng, Pawar and Goodman, TVCG 2019) is claimed to improve on state-of-the-art approaches based on majorization. We present experimental evidence that the new approach does not actually yield better layouts, but that it is still to be preferred because it is simpler and robust against poor initialization.
翻译:减低压力是研究力控图表布局的最佳方法之一,因为它可以可靠地产生高质量的布局,因此令人惊讶的是,基于随机梯度的新的方法(郑、帕瓦尔和古德曼,TVCG 2019)被指称改进基于主要化的先进方法。 我们提出了实验性证据,证明新方法实际上没有产生更好的布局,但是由于它比较简单和有力,可以避免初始化不力,因此仍然被选为首选者。