The widely used AZURV1 transport benchmarks package provides a suite of solutions to isotropic scattering transport problems with a variety of initial conditions (Ganapol 2001). Most of these solutions have an initial condition that is a Dirac delta function in space; as a result these benchmarks are challenging problems to use for verification tests in computer codes. Nevertheless, approximating a delta function in simulation often leads to low orders of convergence and the inability to test the convergence of high-order numerical methods. While there are examples in the literature of integration of these solutions as Green's functions for the transport operator to produce results for more easily simulated sources, they are limited in scope and briefly explained. For a sampling of initial conditions and sources, we present solutions for the uncollided and collided scalar flux to facilitate accurate testing of source treatment in numerical solvers. The solution for the uncollided scalar flux is found in analytic form for some sources. Since integrating the Green's functions is often nontrivial, discussion of integration difficulty and workarounds to find convergent integrals is included. Additionally, our uncollided solutions can be used as source terms in verification studies, in a similar way to the method of manufactured solutions.
翻译:广泛使用的AZURV1运输基准套件为在各种初始条件下(Ganapol 2001)的异热带散射运输问题提供了一套解决办法(Ganapol 2001),这些解决办法中的大多数最初条件是空间的Dirac delta功能;因此,这些基准在计算机代码中用于核查测试方面存在挑战性问题;然而,模拟中近似三角函数往往导致趋同排序低,无法测试高序数字方法的趋同。虽然文献中有这些解决办法整合的实例,如Green的功能,即运输运营商为较容易模拟的来源产生结果,但其范围有限,并作了简要解释。关于初始条件和来源的抽样,我们为非相近和相近的星际通量提供了解决办法,以便利在数字求解器中准确测试源的源处理。对于某些来源,在解析形式上找到未相联的星通通通通通通量通量的解决方案。由于将绿色的功能整合起来往往不十分简单,因此关于整合困难和工作周易找到趋一致的解决方案的讨论范围有限,因此在范围上作了简要解释解释。关于如何找到相似的综合解决办法。此外,我们所使用的方法可以用于制造核查。