Table 1 of Hall (1988) contains asymptotic coverage error formulas for some nonparametric approximate 95% confidence intervals for the mean based on $n$ IID samples. The table includes an entry for an interval based on the central limit theorem using Gaussian quantiles and the Gaussian maximum likelihood variance estimate. It is missing an entry for the very widely used Student $t$ confidence intervals. This note makes a mild numerical correction for the Gaussian entry and provides an entry for the Student $t$ intervals. For skewness $\gamma$ and kurtosis $\kappa$, the corrected Gaussian formula is $0.14\kappa -2.16\gamma^2-3.42$ and the formula for the $t$ intervals is $0.14\kappa -2.16\gamma^2$. The impetus to revisit this estimate arose from the surprisingly robust performance of Student's t statistic in randomized quasi-Monte Carlo sampling.