We describe a recurrent neural network (RNN) based architecture to learn the flow function of a causal, time-invariant and continuous-time control system from trajectory data. By restricting the class of control inputs to piecewise constant functions, we show that learning the flow function is equivalent to learning the input-to-state map of a discrete-time dynamical system. This motivates the use of an RNN together with encoder and decoder networks which map the state of the system to the hidden state of the RNN and back. We show that the proposed architecture is able to approximate the flow function by exploiting the system's causality and time-invariance. The output of the learned flow function model can be queried at any time instant. We experimentally validate the proposed method using models of the Van der Pol and FitzHugh Nagumo oscillators. In both cases, the results demonstrate that the architecture is able to closely reproduce the trajectories of these two systems. For the Van der Pol oscillator, we further show that the trained model generalises to the system's response with a prolonged prediction time horizon as well as control inputs outside the training distribution. For the FitzHugh-Nagumo oscillator, we show that the model accurately captures the input-dependent phenomena of excitability.
翻译:我们描述了一种递归神经网络(RNN)架构,用于从轨迹数据中学习因果、时不变和连续时间控制系统的流函数。通过将控制输入的类限制为分段常数函数,我们展示了学习流函数相当于学习离散时间动态系统的输入-状态映射。这激发了使用RNN以及编码器和解码器网络的动机,它们将系统状态映射到RNN的隐藏状态中并返回。我们展示了所提出的架构能够通过利用系统的因果关系和时不变性来逼近流函数。学习到的流函数模型的输出可在任何时刻进行查询。我们使用Van der Pol和FitzHugh Nagumo振荡器的模型进行实验验证了所提出的方法。在这两种情况下,结果表明该体系结构能够紧密地重现这两个系统的轨迹。对于Van der Pol振荡器,我们进一步展示了经过训练的模型可以推广到预测时间范围较长的系统响应以及训练分布之外的控制输入。对于FitzHugh-Nagumo振荡器,我们展示了该模型准确地捕获了与输入相关的兴奋现象。