Rankings, especially those in search and recommendation systems, often determine how people access information and how information is exposed to people. Therefore, how to balance the relevance and fairness of information exposure is considered as one of the key problems for modern IR systems. As conventional ranking frameworks that myopically sorts documents with their relevance will inevitably introduce unfair result exposure, recent studies on ranking fairness mostly focus on dynamic ranking paradigms where result rankings can be adapted in real-time to support fairness in groups (i.e., races, genders, etc.). Existing studies on fairness in dynamic learning to rank, however, often achieve the overall fairness of document exposure in ranked lists by significantly sacrificing the performance of result relevance and fairness on the top results. To address this problem, we propose a fair and unbiased ranking method named Maximal Marginal Fairness (MMF). The algorithm integrates unbiased estimators for both relevance and merit-based fairness while providing an explicit controller that balances the selection of documents to maximize the marginal relevance and fairness in top-k results. Theoretical and empirical analysis shows that, with small compromises on long list fairness, our method achieves superior efficiency and effectiveness comparing to the state-of-the-art algorithms in both relevance and fairness for top-k rankings.
翻译:最近关于排名公平的研究,特别是在搜索和建议系统中的排名,往往决定人们如何获取信息,如何向人们披露信息。因此,如何平衡信息披露的相关性和公平性被认为是现代IR系统的主要问题之一。作为传统排序框架,对文件及其关联性进行神秘的分类将不可避免地引入不公平的结果暴露,最近关于排名公平性的研究主要侧重于动态排名模式,结果排名可以实时调整,以支持群体(即种族、性别等)的公平性。关于动态学习排名的公平性的现有研究往往通过大幅牺牲成果相关性和最高结果公平性的业绩,实现排名列表中文件披露的总体公平性。为了解决这一问题,我们提出了公平、公正的排名方法,名为最大边际公平(MMMF)。 算法将不带偏见的定数结合到相关性和基于功绩的公平性,同时提供一个明确的控制器,平衡文件的选择,以最大限度地实现头等结果的边际相关性和公正性。理论和经验分析表明,在长名单公平性基础上,我们的方法在长名单公平性上都实现了更高的效率和有效性,与州级排名中的最高比。