We report deep learning-based design of a massively parallel broadband diffractive neural network for all-optically performing a large group of arbitrarily-selected, complex-valued linear transformations between an input and output field-of-view, each with N_i and N_o pixels, respectively. This broadband diffractive processor is composed of N_w wavelength channels, each of which is uniquely assigned to a distinct target transformation. A large set of arbitrarily-selected linear transformations can be individually performed through the same diffractive network at different illumination wavelengths, either simultaneously or sequentially (wavelength scanning). We demonstrate that such a broadband diffractive network, regardless of its material dispersion, can successfully approximate N_w unique complex-valued linear transforms with a negligible error when the number of diffractive neurons (N) in its design matches or exceeds 2 x N_w x N_i x N_o. We further report that the spectral multiplexing capability (N_w) can be increased by increasing N; our numerical analyses confirm these conclusions for N_w > 180, which can be further increased to e.g., ~2000 depending on the upper bound of the approximation error. Massively parallel, wavelength-multiplexed diffractive networks will be useful for designing high-throughput intelligent machine vision systems and hyperspectral processors that can perform statistical inference and analyze objects/scenes with unique spectral properties.
翻译:我们报告了一个大型平行的宽带混混神经网络的深层次学习设计,用于光学地同时或连续地对不同光度波长(波长扫描)进行大量任意选择的、有复杂价值的线性转换。 我们表明,这种宽带混相处理器可以成功地接近N_w独特的复杂值线性变换,只要设计匹配的调频神经(N)数量超过2xN_wxN_ixN_o。我们进一步报告,通过增加N,可以提高光谱多线性变换能力(N_w);我们用N_w长波长扫描(波长扫描)来确认N_w这个对不同输入和输出领域进行任意选择的线性变换网络,不管其物质分散程度如何。 当设计匹配的调异性神经(N)的数量超过2xN_wxN_ixN_ixN_ixN_o。我们进一步报告,光谱多维度变能力(N_w)可以通过增加N;我们用N_w长度的数值分析来证实这些N_wlistrualtravealalal orsalalal ormalal ormalbilal ormal ral-ral-reval ral ral ral ral-rmal rmal ral rmal rmalbalbalbal 可以将进一步增加。