Purpose: Deformable Image Registration (DIR) can benefit from additional guidance using corresponding landmarks in the images. However, the benefits thereof are largely understudied, especially due to the lack of automatic landmark detection methods for three-dimensional (3D) medical images. Approach: We present a Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN), called DCNN-Match, that learns to predict landmark correspondences in 3D images in a self-supervised manner. We trained DCNN-Match on pairs of Computed Tomography (CT) scans containing simulated deformations. We explored five variants of DCNN-Match that use different loss functions and assessed their effect on the spatial density of predicted landmarks and the associated matching errors. We also tested DCNN-Match variants in combination with the open-source registration software Elastix to assess the impact of predicted landmarks in providing additional guidance to DIR. Results: We tested our approach on lower-abdominal CT scans from cervical cancer patients: 121 pairs containing simulated deformations and 11 pairs demonstrating clinical deformations. The results showed significant improvement in DIR performance when landmark correspondences predicted by DCNN-Match were used in the case of simulated (p = $0e^0$) as well as clinical deformations (p = 0.030). We also observed that the spatial density of the automatic landmarks with respect to the underlying deformation affect the extent of improvement in DIR. Finally, DCNN-Match was found to generalize to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans without requiring retraining, indicating easy applicability to other datasets. Conclusions: DCNN-Match learns to predict landmark correspondences in 3D medical images in a self-supervised manner, which can improve DIR performance.
翻译:目的 : 变形图像登记(DIR) 可以从使用图像中相应标志性能的额外指导中受益。 然而, 其好处在很大程度上没有得到充分研究, 特别是由于三维(3D)医疗图像缺乏自动地标检测方法。 方法 : 我们展示了深革命神经网络(DCNN- Match), 称为DCNN- Match, 学习以自我监督的方式预测3D图像中的里程碑对应信息。 我们培训了DCNNN- Match, 使用配对的包含模拟变形的成像(CT)扫描。 我们探索了五种DNNNNM- Match的变异, 使用不同的损失功能,评估了它们对预测的里程碑性能对三维(DNNNNN-M)空间图像的检测方法。 我们测试了宫颈癌患者的低底部直径直径直扫描方法: 121对模拟的变形和11对临床直径直径直径直径进行了测试, 需要临床变形的直径直径直。 最终结果显示的是DNM=DM的状态, IM 。 IM 。