An open stochastic system \`a la Willems is a system affected two qualitatively different kinds of uncertainty -- one is probabilistic fluctuation, and the other one is nondeterminism caused by lack of information. We give a formalization of open stochastic systems in the language of category theory. A new construction, which we term copartiality, is needed to model the propagating lack of information (which corresponds to varying sigma-algebras). As a concrete example, we discuss extended Gaussian distributions, which combine Gaussian probability with nondeterminism and correspond precisely to Willems' notion of Gaussian linear systems. We describe them both as measure-theoretic and abstract categorical entities, which enables us to rigorously describe a variety of phenomena like noisy physical laws and uninformative priors in Bayesian statistics. The category of extended Gaussian maps can be seen as a mutual generalization of Gaussian probability and linear relations, which connects the literature on categorical probability with ideas from control theory like signal-flow diagrams.