Promising results for subjective image quality prediction have been achieved during the past few years by using convolutional neural networks (CNN). However, the use of CNNs for high resolution image quality assessment remains a challenge, since typical CNN architectures have been designed for small resolution input images. In this study, we propose an image quality model that attempts to mimic the attention mechanism of human visual system (HVS) by using a recurrent neural network (RNN) for spatial pooling of the features extracted from different spatial areas (patches) by a deep CNN-based feature extractor. The experimental study, conducted by using images with different resolutions from two recently published image quality datasets, indicates that the quality prediction accuracy of the proposed method is competitive against benchmark models representing the state-of-the-art, and the proposed method also performs consistently on different resolution versions of the same dataset.
翻译:过去几年来,通过使用进化神经网络(CNN)取得了主观图像质量预测的预期结果。 然而,使用CNN进行高分辨率图像质量评估仍是一项挑战,因为典型CNN结构是为小型分辨率输入图像设计的。 在这项研究中,我们提出了一个图像质量模型,试图模仿人类视觉系统的注意机制,方法是利用一个经常性神经网络(RNN),将基于CNN的深层地物提取器从不同空间区域(阵列)提取的特征进行空间集中。 实验研究利用最近出版的两套图像质量数据集的不同分辨率的图像进行,结果表明,拟议方法的质量预测准确性与代表最新技术的基准模型相比是竞争性的,拟议方法还一致地使用同一数据集的不同分辨率版本。