The acquisition of attitude, velocity, and position is an essential task in the field of inertial navigation, achieved by integrating the measurements from inertial sensors. Recently, the ultra-precision inertial navigation computation has been tackled by the functional iteration approach (iNavFIter) that drives the non-commutativity errors almost to the computer truncation error level. This paper proposes a computationally efficient matrix formulation of the functional iteration approach, named the iNavFIter-M. The Chebyshev polynomial coefficients in two consecutive iterations are explicitly connected through the matrix formulation, in contrast to the implicit iterative relationship in the original iNavFIter. By so doing, it allows a straightforward algorithmic implementation and a number of matrix factors can be pre-calculated for more efficient computation. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed iNavFIter-M algorithm is able to achieve the same high computation accuracy as the original iNavFIter does, at the computational cost comparable to the typical two-sample algorithm. The iNavFIter-M algorithm is also implemented on a FPGA board to demonstrate its potential in real time applications.
翻译:获取姿态、速度和位置是惯性导航领域的一项基本任务,通过将惯性传感器的测量结果整合到惯性导航领域。最近,超精密惯性惯性导航计算已通过功能迭代法(iNavfitter)处理,该方法将非通性错误驱动到计算机脱轨误差水平。本文建议对功能迭代法(称为 iNavFIter-M)进行计算效率高的矩阵配方。两个连续迭代中的Chebyshev多元系数通过矩阵配方明确连接,这与原iNavFIter的隐含迭代关系形成对照。这样,它就能够实现直截了当的算法执行,并预算出一些矩阵因素,以便更有效地计算。数字结果显示,拟议的 iNavfitter-M算法能够达到与原 iNavFIter相同的高计算精度计算精度,计算成本可与典型的双扫描算法相比。 iNavFI-M算法也在实际应用中展示其潜力。