The spirit of "blockchain technology" is a distributed database in which saved data is transparent, accountable, public, immutable, and traceable. This base-level disruptive technology can boost the security and privacy-related efficiency of various domains. As Bangladesh is currently aiming for sustainable development, blockchain technology adoption by local researchers is growing robustly. However, in Bangladesh, the blockchain Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is not yet well structured which is also limiting the perspective of local developers and researchers. Therefore, sectors like governance, healthcare, security, privacy, farming, information authentication, cryptocurrencies, internet architecture, data, and so on are unable to utilize the full potential of this technology. In this research, the authors conduct an in-depth review of such types of blockchain technology-related research articles that have been published recently and are also solely focused on Bangladesh. From 5 publishers (IEEE Xplore, ACM, ScienceDirect, Taylor & Francis, and SpringerLink) this study analyses 70 articles published during the year 2016-2020. The study results find the top 13 sectors where Bangladeshi researchers are currently focusing on. Those studies identify that the rigid policy by the government, scarcity of expert researchers, and lack of resources are the main reasons why Bangladesh is still struggling to accommodate blockchain extensively. In addition, published papers are mostly based on theoretical concepts without an appropriate implementation. Finally, this study will be a great resource to the developers, entrepreneurs, and technology enthusiasts to determine the strategic plan for adopting blockchain technology in Bangladesh or even in any other developing country.
翻译:“链锁技术”的精神是一个分布式数据库,保存的数据透明、负责、公开、不可改变和可追踪。这一基础级破坏性技术可以提高不同领域的安全和隐私效率。孟加拉国目前致力于可持续发展,当地研究人员采用链锁技术的情况正在蓬勃发展。然而,在孟加拉国,“链锁技术接受模式”的结构尚不完善,也限制了当地开发商和研究人员的观点。因此,治理、医疗保健、安全、隐私、农业、信息认证、加密、互联网结构、数据等部门保存的数据透明、公开和可追踪。这一基础级的破坏性技术可以提高不同领域的安全和隐私效率。在这一研究中,作者们对最近出版的这类链链锁技术研究文章进行深入审查,而且只关注孟加拉国。 从5家出版社(IEE Xplore、ACM、ScienceDirect、Tay & Francis、SpringLink)到2016-2020年出版的70篇文章。研究结果发现,即使孟加拉国研究人员目前都无法充分利用这一技术的潜力。这些研究的13个部门,这些研究还发现目前也无法充分利用这一技术的研发者们,最终确定了孟加拉国的僵硬性政策。