We provide an algorithm to solve Rabin and Streett games over graphs with $n$ vertices, $m$ edges, and $k$ colours that runs in $\tilde{O}\left(mn(k!)^{1+o(1)} \right)$ time and $O(nk\log k \log n)$ space, where $\tilde{O}$ hides poly-logarithmic factors. Our algorithm is an improvement by a super quadratic dependence on $k!$ from the currently best known run time of $O\left(mn^2(k!)^{2+o(1)}\right)$, obtained by converting a Rabin game into a parity game, while simultaneously improving its exponential space requirement. Our main technical ingredient is a characterisation of progress measures for Rabin games using \emph{colourful trees} and a combinatorial construction of succinctly-represented, universal colourful trees. Colourful universal trees are generalisations of universal trees used by Jurdzi\'{n}ski and Lazi\'{c} (2017) to solve parity games, as well as of Rabin progress measures of Klarlund and Kozen (1991). Our algorithm for Rabin games is a progress measure lifting algorithm where the lifting is performed on succinct, colourful, universal trees.