Encrypted control is a framework for the secure outsourcing of controller computation using homomorphic encryption that allows to perform arithmetic operations on encrypted data without decryption. In a previous study, the security level of encrypted control systems was quantified based on the difficulty and computation time of system identification. This study investigates an optimal design of encrypted control systems when facing an attack attempting to estimate a system parameter by the least squares method from the perspective of the security level. This study proposes an optimal $H_2$ controller that maximizes the difficulty of estimation and an equation to determine the minimum security parameter that guarantee the security of an encrypted control system as a solution to the design problem. The proposed controller and security parameter are beneficial for reducing the computation costs of an encrypted control system, while achieving the desired security level. Furthermore, the proposed design method enables the systematic design of encrypted control systems.
翻译:加密控制是一种安全的控制计算外包框架,使用同态加密可以在不解密的情况下对加密数据进行算术操作。在之前的研究中,根据系统识别的难度和计算时间量化了加密控制系统的安全级别。本研究从安全级别的角度研究了在面对试图通过最小二乘法从受控系统中估计出系统参数的攻击时,加密控制系统的最优设计。本文提出了一种最大化估计困难度的最优的$H_2$ 控制器,并给出了一个方程来确定保证加密控制系统的安全的最小安全参数作为设计问题的解决方案。提出的控制器和安全参数有助于降低加密控制系统的计算成本,同时实现所需的安全级别。此外,所提出的设计方法能够实现加密控制系统的系统化设计。